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Heeft u vragen of wilt u een afspraak met ons maken? Wij nemen contact met u op.

Bel of mail


Verver Financiële Diensten
S.M. Sadi (Steve)
S.L. Vos (Sonja) | CFP®

Concept, design en realisatie
Strategisch Reclamebureau Publiek

Erik Jaap Dijk & Sjoerd Knol | Publiek

New York
Je hebt ze vast gezien, de beelden van New York, deze stad is speciaal voor ons, de reden waarom we gekozen hebben voor beelden van Manhattan

Oranje | Fulfilled
The feeling that one’s abilities and talents are being fully used; a firm belief that you are exactly where you need to be.
“When you feel supported, it’s easier to grow. And when there’s more opportunity for growth, that’s when fulfillment happens.” Kelly Peterson, Project Manager at Emotive Feels

Blauw | Powerful
Great strength in body, mind, or spirit; the feeling that you could carry anything -baggage, workloads, others- with total faith you won’t drop them.
“Power is not about asserting your dominance over someone else. It’s about having the inner strength to try something new, to do something risky, or to help another person without fear of failure. You have to ask, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ and not set too many limitations for yourself.” Keyoni Scott, Designer at Emotive Feels


© Verver 2025 | Ontwikkeld door Publiek